Straight line with line tool or pencil tool is a bit off

I’ve notice a difference between Aseprites and Photoshops results when drawing straight lines with both the line tool and holding shift and clicking with the pencil tool.

I often draw lines by holding shift and clicking in Aseprite and Photoshop. I love how Aseprite previews the line before committing yet I think photoshops is more accurate and closer to the result I desire.

I’ve done a simple example image showing the difference between Aseprite and Photoshop when holding shift and clicking with the pencil tool.


@sierra_asher actually the line behavior was changed to be more (let’s say) “predictable” for pixel-art. So the first break is done at the very beginning of the line, then and at the middle, then each 1/3:


The previous algorithm was more unpredictable, i.e. the first break is done at the middle of the line, which is hard to calculate in the drawing. Probably I should offer a way to customize this behavior.


In the lower example the points are at the same distance and angle yet the resulting line is not straight.

This should be fixed in Aseprite v1.2.10-beta4.