(v1.3-beta6-x64) Tooltip not appearing over tools

Steps to recreate:

  1. Hover over a tool button on the rightside toolbar for the tooltip to appear.
  2. Move the mouse over an adjacent tool button

Current Behavior:

  1. If you hover over adjacent buttons above the palette or above the timeline, the tooltip updates as you move across the buttons
  2. If you hover over adjacent buttons on the rightside toolbar, the tooltip does not update as you move across the buttons and disappears. The tooltip only reappears if you move the cursor away from and back to the toolbar

Expected Behavior:
If you hover over adjacent buttons on the rightside toolbar, the tooltip should update as you move across the buttons

Possible Cause
This bug only occurs for me when “UI with multiple windows” is enabled under Edit → Preferences → Experimental

for me the tooltips work as expected.

I think I found the cause. Do you have “UI with multiple windows” enabled under Edit → Preferences → Experimental?

For me, this bug occurs when that is enabled.

i checked it and, yes, it is enabled. strange.

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