including the phrase “getsystemtimepreciseasfiletime” which I have not seen before. I am using windows 7, admittedly quite old by now, though aseprite 1.3.8 was running as usual prior to me downloading the latest version today
Hi @bimshwel, we’ll try to release a fix ASAP, it looks like GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime
function is available only since Windows 8.
thank you for responding! If nobody else has the problem I have no issue just using the older version, since it generally meets my needs. It even remembers the tablet settings now, which I appreciate.
Same problem here. Seems like recent update broke Win7 compatibility.
It looks like a new incompatibility introduced in the latest version of the MSVC compiler: Windows 7 incompatibility in latest version, is C runtime time() using GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime()? · Issue #4691 · aseprite/aseprite · GitHub
I’ll try to investigate a fix ASAP.
We’ve just published Aseprite v1.3.9.2 which should work on Windows Vista and 7.
oh I didn’t realize you fixed it almost two months ago! I only just by chance tried the 1.3.10 release and was surprised that it worked! Thank you for continuing to support this old version of windows!