3D Pixel Modeling / Mp4 Exporter & Audio Support

(Sorry if i have bad English)
Hi guys, well, i was wondering if Aseprite could add a feature about 3D modeling, cuz’ have an idea for it:
-When creating a new file, maybe there will be added an option of select 2D or 3D, and when select 3D, it use a new Interface and tools, to make the modeling more comfortable.
-Maybe adding tools like an shape curver for the figures, to edit their form and stuff, and also add the spheres and cubes to the tools.
-You could add the color you like to the figures and stuff, and make epic animations with them, making the 3D animations more easy and comfortable to make for Aseprite users.

Going to other idea, the Mp4 Exporting and Audio Support, well… I think we all get the idea, right? Maybe adding your voice to your animations and make them more easy and fun to make, and maybe, adding them “Effects” to make the Audio sound more “Pixelated”. And also with the same idea, the Mp4 Export could make the things a LOT easier, and not being just GIFs the format you would export animations. You want to make a video with Aseprite? Make it JUST in Aseprite! There’s no need to appeal to editors anymore, that sometimes doesn’t support GIFs, you can make the entire thing just in Aseprite!

And well, that are my ideas, the 3D Modeling i think its too much, and i dont know if some people agree with it, but the Audio and Mp4 Export in Aseprite is something that probably a lot of people is asking for right now.

Have a nice day and Thank you for reading!! :smiley:

Something that i want to highlight is that if you want your video look cooler, you should use an editor program to do it, cuz’ the only thing Aseprite would do is just export the animation to Mp4, not being an entire editor with effects, transitions and stuff. Just wanted to highlight that point of the suggestion.

Forgive me if I’m missing something. I know a little about programming, and it’s not hard to imagine it’s really, really hard to work adding these features you’ve mentioned.

I couldn’t figure out what 3D pixel modelling is, btw. Do you mean voxel or creating lowpoly models like Crocotile 3D? And about pixelized sound effects, you may use distortion, bit crusher or a sampler like Amigo Sampler for adding 80s or 90s vibes. But again, it’s going to be hard work and it’s too complicated…

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Nah dont worry, i didnt know it was too hard to make, so, sorry about that.
Hmm… Yeah, 3D Modeling is smth like Crocotile 3D as what youve mentioned, i just checked it, and its just like that, kinda, i dont know if i could explain it so well, but i had the idea of Pixelated 3D, like doing 3D but with pixels, something like… Unity(?) but with pixels and not games, just animation and images, thats all.

Have a nice day!! :smiley:

you’re thinking voxels I think and iirc its listed as out of scope for aseprite at the moment.

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