Amstrad cpc sprite preview

First of all, I would like to say that Aseprite is a great program.

Think it’s money well spent for everything it can offer.

I have purchased the latest version v1.3.7

I am using the program to create sprites for Amstrad CPC in Mode 0

It is possible to leave the width value at 200 by default, without having to change it every time you make a sprite, in:
sprite\sprite size\percentage?

I’m making sprites for Amstrad CPC and I’m interested in knowing if it’s possible

It’s mainly to really see what it will look like in the emulator.


Don’t know anything about the Amstrad, but a Google search mentioned that mode 0 had double wide pixels.

If you want a 2:1 pixel ratio, look under Advanced Options in the new sprite dialog. For an existing sprite, the pixel ratio can be changed under Sprite > Properties.

If you want sprite size to behave how you mentioned, how about writing a Lua script that calls the command?

app.command.SpriteSize {
    ui = true,
    scaleX = 2.0,
    scaleY = 1.0,
    lockRatio = false,
    method = "nearest"

The script can be assigned a keyboard shortcut in Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts.

The sprite’s pixel ratio can also be set by script.


In the end what I have done is:


I have checked the Advanced Options box
and in Pixel Aspect Ratio I have set it to 2:1

And so, even if you close the program, it remains perfect

This is the code:

db 5; ancho
db 20; alto
db 204 , 204 , 204 , 204 , 204
db 204 , 204 , 204 , 204 , 204
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Even if the narrow code comes out, both in Aseprite and in the Amstrad you see a perfect square

Thanks again!