Animated gif - Cloud Hair Girl - I accept tips and criticism


This face angle was very challenging for me.


now this is beutiful 1 bit pixel art, the hair motion is amazing, giving that motion can relly muddle up the shapes in 1-bit, if i had to say anything is that, i would make the outline 2 wide insted of 1-wide.

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shes really pretty

this is a style thing i like the style in the original sprite

Thanks for the tip, next time I’ll try something like you say and see how it goes.

Thank you very much! I’m glad you liked it! Very encouraging as it helps me a lot!

It looks nice! You might consider adding more shading in a vignette style to direct attention to the face and eliminate the flat appearance in the top left. The distant clavicle also seems a bit odd.

You added contact shadows very nicely, but I believe the image would look even better with more directional lighting casting shadows into the hair and on one side of the face.

I like the animation and here’s one example of how the ‘might’ look but I acknowledge that this implementation changes the hair length…

One thing I like in my characters is sideburns coming down the sides of their heads, I notice it (the hair) stops before the eye level. I’m not entirely sure on this point but I think the ear should be rotated more.

Although It’s way too rushed and I haven’t fully replicated your brushes hopefully it gives you some ideas:

I agree with your ideas, more shadow would be better, the jaw bone could be higher. Thanks for the tips!

i wouldnt add too much shadow for the back and edges, a sudle vignette could frame it better, but this looks like it went from sunny day to night, or a storm, values are very sensitive in 1-bit and it can completely change the mood.