Backup autosave folder

Hola, creo haber preguntado esto antes pero nunca recuerdo cuál es la carpeta donde se guardan los archivos de seguridad.
Quizá sería buena idea permitir definirla en las preferencias.

Mi pregunta es ¿en qué directorio se guardan las copias de seguridad?.

Hello, I think I have asked this before but I never remember which is the folder where the security files are stored.
Maybe it would be a good idea to allow it to be defined in the preferences.

My question is in which directory are the backup copies kept?

You can go to Edit > Preferences > General > Locate Configuration File and you will see the sessions folder:

Anyway the sessions folder contains internal information for Aseprite to restore a sprite. There are an issue (#1324) too keep more information in the future.

Gracias, no me aparece ninguna copia de seguridad de ningún archivo, ¿me equivoco?.

Thanks, but I do not have backups?

That’s right, there is no backup in that folder. Do you have another session folder? Did you suffer a crash? Actually the session data is saved/kept only if there is a crash. If the program is closed (and you didn’t save your work) the data is deleted anyway (something that might change in the future, something of this was discussed in the discord server some time ago, but there are nothing done yet).

Demonios, no hubo un choque, tuve un fallo al mezclar unas capas, salvé el archivo, cerré el programa y me fuí a dormir.
Ocurrió ayer y hoy me he dado cuenta, entonces he ido a recuperar alguna copia pero no hay ninguna.

Yo pensé que se estaba haciendo una cada 2 minutos.
Sería buena idea que no se borren las copias o dar una opción para elegir al usuario.

Aún así encontré estos dos archivos en la carpeta “files”, ¿no podría recuperar algo de estos archivos?, tienen extension ini, no sé si puedo hacer algo con ellos.

Damn, there was not a clash, I had a failure to mix some layers, I saved the file, I closed the program and went to sleep.
It happened yesterday and today I realized, then I went to retrieve a copy but there is none.

I thought that one was being done every 2 minutes.

Still I found these two files in the “files” folder, could not I recover something from these files ?, they have an ini extension, I do not know if I can do anything with them.

The recovery data is saved every 2 minutes but it’s used to restore information in case of a crash. A possible quick solution for the next version could be to keep the data for a while (e.g. a month) with a special “closed” file in the session folder so it’s not listed in the “Recover Lost Sprites” button at the very beginning and add a new option to listed all sessions (even the one closed correctly) from some menu/option.

My recommendation is that you can use a service like Dropbox to keep track of each version of your files automatically.

No these files are the files storing the configuration of the original file (e.g. grid settings, etc.)

Ok, I’ve managed to continue with the work.
Thanks for the help!.