Can I get Aseprite without Steam?

I bought a license to use Aseprite a few years ago, and while I like the program, I’m finding it inconvenient to have to run it through Steam. Steam locks Aseprite so that I cannot use it on two computers at once, or even run it on one machine and run some other steam app on my other machine at the same time. If I want to run some other steam app on my laptop while Aseprite is open on my desktop, I have to close Aseprite first.

Steam also launches a lot of adds when it starts up after I launch Aseprite.

Given that Aseprite is more of a graphics editor than a game and I don’t want to put up with Steam’s nonsense, is there any other way I could get the binary?

you could buy in, however you dont need steam to be open to use aseprite, if you go to the install folder, you can just create a shortcut from the .exe to your desktop, then you wont need to have steam opened to use it.


I think a recent update may have caused this to not be the case anymore. At least on my mac I’m running into this issue, every time I try to open the file, it launches requires steam to be open :frowning: