Cannot start because invalid theme / accidental big resolution

Então, recentemente eu estava trocando de tema e no meio do processo eu sem querer aumentei a resolução do aseprite, impossibilitando a mudança para o normal e desde então, não consigo mudar mesmo reinstalando ele novamente, alguém sabe me dizer como posso consertar isso?

Detalhe: Toda vez que tento abrir, o programa manda um aviso de erro ‘‘files skins/Wild Night Green BT/sheet.png not found’’

So recently i was switching themes and in the middle of the process i accidentally increased the aseprite resolution, making it impossible to switch to normal and since then i cant change even reinstalling it again, can anyone tell me how i can fix this?

Detail: Every time it opens, the program sends an error warning ''skin files / Wild Night Green BT / sheet.png not found ‘’

there should be a red flag on the top corner click it

also it seem that the theme you picked was incomplete

So I can’t even open the program, whenever I try I get an error

Hi @Korvitcho, I would recommend you to reset your preferences: Aseprite - Docs - Reset-preferences so you can go back to the normal resolution and theme.

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Thank you very much! Now I will be able to make pixelarts in peace <3

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