I’m trying to use the color picker in the bottom left to try out various shades of colors, but instead of changing from Shade-of-blue-A to Shade-of-blue-B the colors just come out as the next closest color in the palette I have set up. Even if it’s the default palette. For example, I might go from a light blue to a slightly darker blue, but when I draw, the ink is purple! If I then move it back to the light blue it goes back to that particular shade of light blue. Whereas before I could experiment with colors freely I’m now locked into a certain set of colors it seems.
Likewise, when I use the HSB editor, if I adjust the color I’m using a little bit, nothing changes. But if I adjust the color I’m using a lot if just snaps to the next closest color in the palette.
I don’t know what I did to mess this up and any help to fix it is appreciated!