Create a texture atlas using CLI does not seem to work correctly

Create a texture atlas using CLI does not seem to work correctly or I’m doing something wrong.

I have 2 .ase files (player.ase and enemy.ase) both containing multiple frames grouped in to multiple tags. I then run the following command (on macOS):

/Applications/ -b *.ase --sheet-pack --sheet atlas.png --data atlas.json

Both png and json file are now created, but it seems that enemy sprites just override the player sprites (drawn on the same location of the atlas).
Also when looking at the json frames for player use the same location as the frames of enemy:

The frame data contains describes the location and size of the frame relative to the animation. The spriteSourceSize contains the location of the sprite in the spritesheet, so that’s what you should be looking at.

Perhaps the official code makes a similar mistake, or fails to offset the art when packing multiple files…? I haven’t experimented with the texture packer myself D:

Thanks for the reply. spriteSourceSize is x: 0, y: 0, width: 16, height: 16 for every frame.
Seems like the packer doesn’t do its job.

Oooh well should not be too hard to use the CLI to export all files to pgn + json and then pack those myself.

Would have been nice if this would work out-of-the-box.

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