Damaged House For My Game

House is still in progress. I’ll update!


Looks great! What’s the game called?

It is called FarmTech. It is now in Steam but we are bringing new demo. Old one is a bit messy. :smiley:


This is lastest update !!


Hey, nice artwork :smiley:

I just wanted to point out a minor thing, I thought that the shadows were a bit too flat value-wise(*how bright it is).

The shadows for the grass look very faint, barely noticeable. The grass by the broken down house looks a bit better I think and the color is strangely a different color to the rest of the grass; that saturated green is a color I might prefer.

Try looking at your scene in terms of levels of what you want to be bright, cause the nuetural color of the trees should be a brightness closer to what I think the regular grass should be. Also if the tree has it’s shadow going to the right maybe the rest of the shadows in the scene would benefit from directional shadows.

Does the game engine you are in have layer modes or something similar? Cause I believe the shadows and highlights of the wood planks and the trees need to interact with the colors underneath differently to look convincing or more visible. The shadows look like they would work better if blue were put all over the scene making it into a night one.

If you play around more with more of the colors you already have I think you could make the scene look a bit more harmonious although you already have something quite nice. Using your color palette wisely reduces the number of colors needed for each object. Although this quick mockup looks a bit messy(didn’t spend a large amount of time on it) the shadows and highlights are pretty clearly separated.

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