Develop Extension (Reload)

Hello, I want to create new extension. But I cannot fiure out how to properly update extension in aseprite after code changing. Do I need to zip extension, remove and than add it every time?

make a zip of the extension, then in the extension, put .aseprite-extension, if you changed the version it will ask if you want to update it.

Too many actions for debuggin extention. Change version for every code changing looks like overkill

you can keep swiching between 1.0 and 1.1, as long as its different its good, also its definely not many steps and you can always make a script to do that if you relly need that much.

I’m trying to script this for iterate in development, as well.

Creating the archive (.aseprite-extension) with a changing version was doable for me.
Can share some details, if someone is interested.

Now I’m trying to automate the update or installation. Currently I just found two ways to install a script.

  • Manually drag an drop the file onto aseprite and confirm two dialogs and close another.
  • “Preferences> Extensions > Add Extension” and also click some buttons…
  • Double clicking the file currently does not work for me on linux, but should be possible. I just but I haven’t looked much in to this yet. The experience should be similar.

I couldn’t find a way to start reinstall the extension via CLI for example.
Is there any way to avoid using the mouse? Or automate more in any way.
Restarting aseprite would be fine. Refreshing it wile it is running would be even better.

(Currently using Aseprite 1.3.10 mostly on linux. But I would also give a Win10/11 a go if there are different options available.)

(There is a related feature request:
Expose 'Add Extension/Install Extension' functionality to API · Issue #4286 · aseprite/aseprite · GitHub)

So the best I came up with:

  1. Build my example.aseprite-extension on every code change or sth. else.
  2. I added an additional script that uses undocumented(?) API:
    app.command.Options({ installExtension = "path to example.aseprite-extension" })
  3. I assigned a shortcut to that script. (Ctrl+Shift+R or any other)
  4. When ever I would like to test the latest build, I press:
    Ctrl+Shift+R > Enter > Enter > ESC

its been a while so i might be wrong, but if you create a extension and keep the same version, just double clicking will install without the dialog appering.