Tags are still one of the things cause the most confusion for me. Pasting a frame at the end or after a tag almost always results in some re-positioning and weird workarounds.
After thinking about how pasting could be changed, I came to the conclusion that a lot of the problems I encounter with tags could be solved by making them re-sizable by clicking and dragging them.
If the concern is interfering with the tag labels, a visibility button could be added here, which makes the labels blank.
From the very beginning I had plans to implement draggable borders for the tags, even the full tag: drag-and-drop a tag to move or copy it (just like the other timeline range, cels/frames/layers).
Issue #1275 was always a good summary of several features (some planned, some in new in the feature). I’ll see if I can implement the drag-tag-borders feature first.
Wow 2016…time flies. Had forgotten I made that list…
Compared to the other things I had mentioned there, I would say that dragging tag is certainly the most practical given that it also solves other problems.
Bumping this thread in the hopes that this feature will make it to 1.3.0.
I often find myself changing the previous tag’s endpoint after adding a new frame meant to be the start of a new tag/animation, and doing it through the tag properties gets very tedious. Being able to drag the end of the tag where it belongs would feel a lot more efficient.