My client has requested that the files I create be exported as 16-bit BMP. Currently, when I check in GIMP, the file is set to 32-bit. While I can probably export it as 16-bit BMP within GIMP, I would prefer to set up Aseprite to export directly as 16-bit BMP. This is important because I will need to export BMP sequences, and re-saving or re-exporting each animated frame in GIMP would be time-consuming. We need to work efficiently and quickly.
Check to see if the script mentioned below fits your needs. You’d have to be more specific, though. For one thing, 16 bit could be RGB 555 (1 bit ignored), RGB 565, RGBA 5551 or RGBA 4444. The script below does not implement RGBA4444, but it could.
Note that many graphics editors and image viewers do not properly import 16 bit subvariants that contain alpha.