[Extension] Theme Preferences

Theme Preferences for Aseprite

Theme Preferences - Download :link: - Source Code :link:

Theme Preferences is an extension that allows for customizing the theme inside the editor.

How to use the extension

After installing the extension and restarting Aseprite a new option for Theme Preferences… will appear in the View menu.

Clicking it will open the Theme Preferences that allow you to directly change the colors of the UI elements.


Theme Preferences needs access to PNG and XML templates in its own folder in order to customize the theme. Aseprite will prompt you for explicit permission for an extension to access files.

If you don’t feel safe with that you can deny the request and block the script.

Saving and Loading Configuration

Your Theme Preferences can be saved and loaded from this window.

Importing and Exporting Configuration

Your Theme Preferences can be exported into plain text, and web-safe code for backup and sharing with others.

Codes can be imported by opening the Load window and clicking the Import button. Any saved configuration has an Export button that generates the code.



this is actually amazing


An update to v1.0.1 was released - a small update that improves the user experience around managing your configurations, you can now easily store tens of them (if you wish).


  • [Improvement] Add pagination for the Load window
  • [Improvement] Improve user experience when importing a configuration - users can now change the name of the imported theme, and the theme is no longer automatically applied
  • [Fix] Tab frames no longer use the lightest Button color, now it correctly uses the lightest Tab color

An update to v1.0.2 was released - another small update with a bunch of fixes, and improvements to the user experience. The dialog window got smaller, and the generated theme got more polished.

Probably the biggest change in this update is the removal of the Icons color from the Simple Mode, it now uses the color the Regular Text, keeping it consistent with the default Aseprite look. The Advanced Mode still allows changing the Icons color, this change is fully compatible with already created configurations.


  • [Fix] Button text in the Import Configuration dialog is now displaying correctly
  • [Fix] The Warning icon (when a color from outside the palette is introduced) has now the correct colors
  • [Fix] Selected checkboxes and radio buttons are now correctly highlighted
  • [Fix] Closing the Theme Preferences dialog with the “X” button has now consistent behavior with closing the dialog using the “Cancel” button
  • [Improvement] Icons use the Regular Text color in Simple Mode
  • [Improvement] Both text colors are placed in the same row
  • [Improvement] Theme Preferences keep track if a configuration has been changed to improve the user experience

Wow, this is pretty cool. Keep up the great work :grinning:

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An update to v1.0.3 was released - Turns out the update to v1.0.2 had a bug in it, but thanks to a detailed report from Adamastor it was quickly found and fixed. :pray:


  • [Fix] Theme configurations in Advanced Mode are now loaded correctly

Thanks to Eiyeron for reporting this tiny issue where the extension completely blocked using Aseprite CLI, ups. :zipper_mouth_face:


  • [Fix] Don’t initialize Theme Preferences when UI is not available to avoid breaking the CLI
  • [Improvement] Improve the speed of updating and saving a theme
  • [Feature] Include Mono and Game Boy Light presets in new installs of Theme Preferences

It’s officially the first feature update for Theme Preferences - version 1.0.5, introducing - Font Configuration. You can now change the UI fonts for both regular, and small text. You can select from all fonts native to Aseprite, all fonts introduced by other extensions, and all available system fonts.

It gives better control to everyone who wants to customize their UI further or improve accessibility. :v:


  • [Feature] Introduced Font Configuration
  • [Improvement] Hide the Theme Preferences dialog when subdialogs are open
  • [Improvement] For Aseprite v1.3, the theme name now appears as “Theme Preferences - Custom”
  • [Fix] Theme Preferences dialog width scales correctly with UI

There’s a new update that brings fixes to issues old and new - once again I’d like to thank everyone for reporting issues, and helping me improve this tool! :clap:

One of the oldest, elusive bugs was that the UI sometimes turned solid black when changing theme colors, rendering Aseprite virtually unusable. Recently, @Nicejackalope pinpointed that this issue was occurring (presumably only) when the user had the active sprite set to Indexed color mode! Huge find which resulted in this issue finally getting fixed and Theme Preferences being much more stable to use.

The other bug was freshly introduced in the latest update, alongside font configuration - for the macOS system fonts didn’t load correctly (which means they didn’t load at all). Huge thanks to @3t_ree for helping me find out about this, and assisting in testing a fix for it. :v:


  • [Fix] Updating the theme while the active sprite is in Indexed (or Grayscale) color mode no longer breaks the theme
  • [Fix] Correctly load system fonts for macOS
  • [Improvement] For Windows and macOS - allow for selecting system user fonts
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