Feature Request - Frame Tag Format options for CLI

I recently discovered the amazing feature to pack multiple .ase files into one big one. I wrote a custom parser for reading the JSON which works great when I pack each of them individually. However, using the cool feature to pack it all together, the JSON File with --list-tags exports the tags without anyway to prefix the frame tags to match them to the sprites.

Example, I have two art files for a barn and a silo, that are destructible, When I export those, for consistency I used the same naming convention on the animation names. Packing the export duplicates the names without any way to tell them apart.

   { "name": "Health100", "from": 0, "to": 0, "direction": "forward", "color": "#000000ff" },
   { "name": "Health50", "from": 1, "to": 1, "direction": "forward", "color": "#000000ff" },
   { "name": "Health0", "from": 2, "to": 2, "direction": "forward", "color": "#000000ff" },
   { "name": "Health100", "from": 0, "to": 0, "direction": "forward", "color": "#000000ff" },
   { "name": "Health50", "from": 1, "to": 1, "direction": "forward", "color": "#000000ff" },
   { "name": "Health0", "from": 2, "to": 2, "direction": "forward", "color": "#000000ff" },

Example files can be found here → https://github.com/Nhawdge/Stedders/tree/main/src/Assets

I would love an option to provide a simple format for the frametags so I can tie them back together.

Thank you!