Didn’t find anything regarding this subject after looking around for a bit.
It would be nice if it’s possible to add a function for the marquee tool that allows user to invert the selection with the marquee tool, i.e. “deselect everything except all selections within this selection” (ergo, not “invert selection”).
I’m not sure about that shortcut. Some years ago, when the Alt key stopped working to use the eyedropper (e.g. to change background color) that was bad news for some users. So the Alt modifier should be kept for the eyedropper even when we are using the selection.
Oh, I see, I suppose there are also people who want the eyedropper to show with non-drawing tools, like the selection ones (I don’t agree with those users tho XD).
I have then a suggestion (a bit complicated I fear), so we all could be happy and enjoy our preferred shortcuts
Maybe you could make an option under “Preferences > Selection” (for example) that could let us choose that behaviour?
Sorry about insisting, but I would really need this, because I use selection shorcuts a lot, and my brain aches each time I change between Aseprite and Photoshop XD