Feature Request - Timeline keyframe fordwarding

Right now we have regular and linked frames.
I would like to propose third options for the frame handling which would work similarly to the linked frames but instead of linking to a user defined keyframe, it would link to one frame before the next keyframe.

For example:
If you have timeline with 8 frames total, and with keyframes on frames 1 and 5.

then the image from keyframe 1 would be linked onto all empty frames coming after it until frame 4. Then again from keyframe 5, the image would be linked all the way to the frame 8 which is last one in the whole animation.

To try the behaviour for yourself, try blender grease pencil or the timeline in krita, both are free and open source programs.

why: It saves metric ton of time when animating straight ahead or doing the inbetweening and it’s very intuitive to use.

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i might be missing something, but you can already do that even though aseprite doesn’t have keyframes, just cells and frames:

if you want to add linked cell, switch layer to continuous and hit alt+n, which will always add frame. if you want to add unliked cell, do the same but with layer not set to continuous.
alt+m turns cells into linked cells (no matter the layer settings) and only adds new frames at the end of timeline.
alt+d will divide current linked cell on the next frame (without adding frames).
alt+b will add blank frame (all cells blank) and
all+c will delete frame.
i don’t see much difference here, it is pretty fast editing actually.