It’s definitely has flaws but since I’ve never tried doing this before I’m happy but am open to critique. Also if it’s not clear I used Over the Garden Wall reference.
I probably wont post all 10 but I got episode 2’s isometric diorama mostly done. I’m still working on the tree top foil. The piece got a bit busy with detail lol. It doesn’t have anything spoilery outside of showing characters but incase that bothers anyone I spoilered the image edit: I replaced with the final one.
I don’t know if it’s prefered to make a new topic or not but here’s my latest one. It took me forever, I can’t wait till aseprite supports isometric tilesets it’ll save so much time. Anyway this is based on a old 2004 cgi anime short anime horror film I like called kokurenbo.
Very well done!
I just watched this in my class
over the garden wall or kokurenbo?
Over the garden wall, its tuff.
this one is somewhat isometric with the globe. I made this for a christmas contest back in december. It’s meant to be a elf holding a globe with a little them inside. Kinda got a bit haphazard with with it just because I wanted to be done with it because it took like 3 days and was tired of working on it.