How do you manage all these pallet features to get your own colors?

I have bought this a while back but never really used it due to the hard-to-understand color controls. could I get some help?

  1. There are two distinct kinds of color modes: RGB/Grayscale (i call them Direct) and Indexed

  2. In RGB/Grayscale modes palette is only to organize your colors, because images keep full color information for each pixel by themselves

  3. In Indexed mode palette entries always participate in result, images keep only indexes into palette for each pixel, so changing palette entry color will change all images pixels that using it at right the same moment, it’s useful to be able to tune colors, make extra palettes for different color-coded units and etc.

  4. Also in Indexed mode first palette entry always represents basic fully transparent color index for non-Background layers, so first palette entry actual color only participates in Background images, so for non-Background layers you should add another same color palette entry to use it as non-transparent color i.e. by default first palette entry is often black, but in Indexed mode it can’t be used as black in non-Background layers

  5. Click at Lock button over palette to unlock palette entries for direct editing, when palette is locked all changes you do in Foreground/Background colors boxes do not affect palette, with ( ! ) buttons appearing near them when you get colors that aren’t in palette, so you can click these buttons to add colors you got to your palette

  6. Left click at palette entry to select it as Foreground color (maked with big triangle inside palette entry cell), Left click on Foreground color box (which is under palette and color wheel) to edit its color information (as RGB/HSL/HSV/etc)

  7. Right click at palette entry to select it as Background color (maked with small triangle inside palette entry cell), Left click on Background color box (which is also under palette and color wheel and under Foreground color box) to edit its color information (as RGB/HSL/HSV/etc)

  8. Use keyboard keys [ and ] to select prev/next Foreground palette color without Left clicking at it

That’s all you need at minimum. Any more questions?

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thanks! i was wondering along the lines of how to use the pallet UI to make your own colors, not in a preset list.

(also, thanks for the good expl so far)

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So has your wondering got the answer?