Hi all,
Below is a Lua script to find the topmost visible layer under the cursor. [Edit: To be clear, this is for people like me who have issues with the Move Tool’s Auto Select Layer.]
Scripts can be installed under File > Scripts > Open Script Folder
. They can be assigned shortcuts under Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts
A longer term version of the script can be found in this repo. That version has a bit more code to deal with tile maps (which may have flipped or rotated tiles).
local function appendLeaves(layer, array)
if layer.isVisible then
if layer.isGroup then
local childLayers = layer.layers
if childLayers then
local lenChildLayers = #childLayers
local i = 0
while i < lenChildLayers do
i = i + 1
appendLeaves(childLayers[i], array)
elseif not layer.isReference then
array[#array + 1] = layer
return array
local function getLayerHierarchy(sprite)
local array = {}
local layers = sprite.layers
local lenLayers = #layers
local i = 0
while i < lenLayers do
i = i + 1
appendLeaves(layers[i], array)
return array
local sprite = app.sprite
if not sprite then return end
local frObj = app.frame
if not frObj then return end
local editor = app.editor
if not editor then return end
local mouse = editor.spritePos
local xMouse = mouse.x
local yMouse = mouse.y
if xMouse < 0 or yMouse < 0 then return end
local specSprite = sprite.spec
local wSprite = specSprite.width
local hSprite = specSprite.height
local colorMode = specSprite.colorMode
local alphaIndex = specSprite.transparentColor
if xMouse >= wSprite or yMouse >= hSprite then return end
local palette = sprite.palettes[1]
local lenPalette = #palette
local layers = getLayerHierarchy(sprite)
local lenLayers = #layers
local i = lenLayers + 1
while i > 1 do
i = i - 1
local layer = layers[i]
if layer.isBackground then
app.layer = layer
local appRange = app.range
if appRange.sprite == sprite then
appRange.layers = { layer }
local cel = layer:cel(frObj)
if cel then
local celBounds = cel.bounds
local xtlCel = celBounds.x
local ytlCel = celBounds.y
local wCel = celBounds.width
local hCel = celBounds.height
local xbrCel = xtlCel + wCel - 1
local ybrCel = ytlCel + hCel - 1
if xMouse >= xtlCel and yMouse >= ytlCel
and xMouse <= xbrCel and yMouse <= ybrCel then
local image = cel.image
local xLocal = xMouse - xtlCel
local yLocal = yMouse - ytlCel
local aLayer8 = layer.opacity or 255
local aCel8 = cel.opacity
local aComp01 = (aLayer8 / 255.0) * (aCel8 / 255.0)
local isNonZero = false
local isTileMap = layer.isTilemap
if isTileMap then
local tileSet = layer.tileset
if tileSet then
local tileGrid = tileSet.grid
local tileSize = tileGrid.tileSize
local wTile = tileSize.width
local hTile = tileSize.height
local xMap = xLocal // wTile
local yMap = yLocal // hTile
local tileEntry = image:getPixel(xMap, yMap)
local tileIndex = app.pixelColor.tileI(tileEntry)
local lenTileSet = #tileSet
if tileIndex > 0 and tileIndex < lenTileSet then
-- Simplified.
isNonZero = aComp01 > 0.0
local dataInt = image:getPixel(xLocal, yLocal)
if colorMode == ColorMode.RGB then
local a8 = app.pixelColor.rgbaA(dataInt)
local a01 = aComp01 * (a8 / 255.0)
isNonZero = a01 > 0.0
elseif colorMode == ColorMode.GRAY then
local a8 = app.pixelColor.grayaA(dataInt)
local a01 = aComp01 * (a8 / 255.0)
isNonZero = a01 > 0.0
elseif colorMode == ColorMode.INDEXED then
if dataInt ~= alphaIndex
and dataInt >= 0 and dataInt < lenPalette then
local aseColor = palette:getColor(dataInt)
local a8 = aseColor.alpha
local a01 = aComp01 * (a8 / 255.0)
isNonZero = a01 > 0.0
if isNonZero then
app.layer = layer
local appRange = app.range
if appRange.sprite == sprite then
appRange.layers = { layer }
end -- End pixel is non zero.
end -- End mouse within bounds.
end -- End cel is not nil.
end -- End layers loop.
local appRange = app.range
if appRange.sprite == sprite then
This script ignores non-visible layers and reference layers. Because background layers treat colors as opaque that would be transparent on other layers, there’s an early return for that case.
For some, setting the layer to active is enough; others might want a range around the layer in the timeline. I included the range here because it makes it easier to see the script working.