How to unbind Menu Shortcut?

Alt + F is shortcut to File menu.
Alt + E is shortcut to Edit menu.
Alt + S is shortcut to Sprite menu.

How to unbind this?

It’s not possible to do it in an easy way :sob: I’ll take note to add the possibility to remove these shortcuts.

At the moment you could try a workaround:

  1. Open the data/strings/en.ini file which is a file installed in the Aseprite folder (in C:\Program files\Aseprite\data
  2. There is a [main_menu] section, you can edit the file = &File line and remove the & symbol (so it should be file = File)
  3. You can do the same for:
    • edit = &Edit => edit = Edit
    • sprite = &Sprite => sprite = Sprite
    • layer = &Layer => layer = Layer
    • frame = F&rame => frame = Frame
    • select = Selec&t => select = Select
    • view = &View => view = View
    • help = &Help => help = Help
  4. Save the file, and restart Aseprite