I got a new PC and I installed Aseprite.
Now when I open a file (or creating a new one), the color picker dialog stays there forever and I can’t close it.
When I press the ‘X’ to close the dialog, it just disapear and the dialog stays there.
This dialog is there from the beggning, I do nothing to open it :?
might be. or it might be issue with theme. i stopped using dark theme because i couldn’t pin files in recent file window…
does this happen when you switch to default theme? anyway, you should be able to open and hide this window with F4 key.
Yeah, the problem is the Theme.
I’m using a theme I paid for and I like it very much, but the close buttons (X) on corners were not well placed.
I siwtched to default theme, closed the dialog, then back to dark theme and now I don’t see the color picker dialog… now the close buttons (X) are well placed, but the size if not correct.
No more issues at the moment, I hope I can still using this theme :?
glad it helped! oh, i think you can if that’s the only issue you have. also i searched a google a bit and you may try view → refresh and reload skin if it happens again. i honestly don’t know how much it will help, but i’d give it a try.