I want to delete a selection in multiple cells at the same time


I have a gif with 97 cells, in one layer. I am trying to make a selection in a specific location of all the cells and delete it. Linking the cells doesn’t seem to work. Any suggestions would be great. I really don’t want to repeat it 97 times, and I’m worried my selection will not be the same in all cells.

I’m not entirely sure but I think if you lasso it (shortcut Q) what ever you do with it happens inside that lasso every cel. hope this helps

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It should be possible when you make a selection and then click on it with the select tool. then you can select which frames you want to delete the contents of the selection from and press the Delete key. From what I know that should work that way on the latest version of Aseprite but can’t really check right now as I’m not in front of my computer, let me know if that helped!


I just tested what I said and it works, all you got to do is just click on the selection after selecting


Thank you so much!


You’re welcome :yellow_heart: