Installed fonts not appearing on Linux

I am using Pop_OS 22.04.

There seems to be some sort of issue accessing fonts on Linux. All the default fonts are available, but none of the fonts I’ve installed.

Here’s some solutions I’ve attempted that haven’t worked:

  • Tried both the Steam and .deb versions, same issue.

  • Tried making a .fonts folder in my /home folder, as well as a fonts folder in my /home/local/share, and added my fonts to both. No change.

  • Tried sudo fc-cache -f -v , no change.

  • All the fonts are .ttf

  • Tried a basic font (Courier Prime Sans) just in case it was a problem with my pixel fonts, but it also didn’t show up.

  • Restarted Aseprite, restarted computer, and reinstalled Aseprite (both Steam and .deb versions). Still no change.

  • Even tried doing a clean install of Pop, trying all the solutions above. Still no fonts.

If anyone has other solutions I could try, I will attempt.

This is really messing with my workflow, I’ve been copy and pasting each character when doing text and it takes sooo long :sob: