iPad app Aseprite

I forget for add categorized (help)


Because Asesprite my favorite program and I found all app pixel art primitive/limited.
I had googled/redid some, latest update on iPad app Aseprite, unfortunately little/no news.

I still work via remote Astropad, actually more busy via windows Asesprite so hoped someday I won’t need Astropad anymore when ipad app Asesprite comes…

To developers, sorry for my complaint.
I once had tablet wacom cintiq, but find iPad more comfortable.
Everyone taste yes of course, I’m to cross fingers for next year Aseprite ever comes for ipad.

Thanks & Greetings

It’s in the roadmap to be done eventually, but there’s no ETA on it yet as far as I’m aware.


Wow already in roadmap, great to read. Ok thanks :+1: