Issue with compiling on Linux (Steam Deck - Arch?)

Hi all, I’m having some compilation problems on Linux (Steam Deck - i believe Arch?) and wanted to post the steps I’ve gone through here and ask if anyone might know how to fix it.

  • Downloaded latest aseprite release from github and extract
  • Created build directory within the extracted folder
  • Downloaded the skia aseprite-m102 and placed the extracted content into $HOME/deps/skia
  • Installed dependencies using below command (had to fiddle around with it and update keyring Arch Linux - archlinux-keyring 20240709-2 (any))
    sudo pacman -S gcc clang libc++ cmake ninja libx11 libxcursor mesa-libgl fontconfig libwebp
  • navigated to build directory in aseprite folder using konsole
  • ran the following:
export CC=clang
export CXX=clang++
cmake \
  -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=-stdlib=libc++ \
  -DLAF_BACKEND=skia \
  -DSKIA_DIR=$HOME/deps/skia \
  -DSKIA_LIBRARY_DIR=$HOME/deps/skia/out/Release-x64 \
  -DSKIA_LIBRARY=$HOME/deps/skia/out/Release-x64/libskia.a \
  -G Ninja \
ninja aseprite

Any advice you all might be able to give would be greatly appreciated! As you might presume, I’m a little unfamiliar with Linux but I believe I’ve set most of the prerequesites up correctly, so please let me know if there’s anything you notice I might need to fix. Thanks very much!