It will be ever possible to have a sprite conversion based on a specific palette?

Hi! I often use the “use palette frome sprite” feature. But I am looking for the inverse thing.
For Example, today I wanted to convert a still RGB image to EGA64 color palette, and I find nothing useful to do it. Am I wrong? And If I am right, it would be ever possible in the future to have a similar feature?
I think that theoretically speaking it colud be done reducing the sprite colours to 64 and then adapting each color of the image to the nearest color in the ega 6bit palette, but I wonder if this is possible. It is a thing that I now do manually in softwares like the very old Paint Shop Pro 7 (modern raster softwares has a less clear workflow for it), but I don’t know if such similar is possible with a pixel art tool like Aseprite. It would be very useful. Let me know if there is some tecnique to do the trick.

you need to load the target palette and then change sprite → color mode from rgb to indexed. optionally you can choose ‘more options’ in color mode menu to change the type of dithering etc.
for now this will work properly only for palettes of max 256 colours.

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Thank you very much for the advice :ok_hand: :smiley:

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