Jam in jar for game

heres some jam, anyone got any tips?

When making cylinder objects it is good to practice curve techniques that continue throughout an object. This video might be helpful on that subject: Constructing Lines and Curves in Pixel Art (Tutorial) - YouTube

I don’t know what type of jam this is so I won’t draw in the fruit bits but with the large focus on dark colors, it almost seems like it has been liquified(Distilled or no longer smooth?). The jar doesn’t have to be perfectly round in all areas(especially if the cap has dents) it’s just best to know the ways to make curves if you want to.

I pixel-brushed the colors in the jar around some more so they would be more spread out and blurred the image. Next I drew in the shapes of the jar again making sure that the curve followed the shape,

Next, I noticed the colors in the jar were blending a bit too much when I squinted, so I color-dropped the blurred image and changed the colors to get just a tad more natural contrast. If you open the Preview tab under View > Preview you can also get a good idea of what your art looks like smaller and thus see whether or not it looks like the object you want when you squint. I did make this in a hurry so I know it’s not “perfect” but hopefully this points you in the right direction.




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