James Reference Sheet

I finished a reference sheet for my character Pixuminho Character Sheet

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Nice! you planning on doing a run cycle? I would love to see how you do that, I sometimes struggle on the animation front.

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I have difficulties with animation too, I tried to do a run cycle but was a disaster XD
I will show here the run and idle animations James idle Sprite-0005 Jaminho running Sprite-0004 (2)
and I made this one more simple based in super mario bros style XD Jaminho bros run

This dude has a decent amount of tutorials, maybe they could help? Pixel Art Class - Run Animation Tutorial [Part 1] | First Pass - YouTube

Thank you for the suggestion, I already follow his channel and several other channels on YouTube about pixel art ^^

Nice! you are on top of things then! I only recently found that channel and the run cycle is so good.

Here two other channels I like very much


Lol that is so funny, I have seen lots of their video’s but just hadn’t subscribed. now I did. thanks man, keep making awesome art :wink:

Bonus faces willy expression jaminho think