Larger palette sizes

Right now there’s a selection between small, medium, and large for the colors in the palette. I tend to use very small palettes (1-4 colors) and having an even larger size would be great for this.


I’d like to add that it’d help if custom themes could have a say in setting the swatch size as well. Similar to other variables, the theme’s recommendation could be overridden by the user.

For the time being, you can set the size through a Lua script. The limits are 4 minimum, 32 maximum. Above is a screen capture of the maximum.

local dlg = Dialog { title = "Palette Swatch Size" }
dlg:slider {
    id = "swatchSize",
    label = "Size: ",
    min = 4,
    max = 32,
    value = app.preferences.color_bar.box_size,
    onchange= function()
        app.command.SetPaletteEntrySize { size = }
dlg:check {
    id = "useSeparator",
    label = "Enable: ",
    text = "Separator",
    selected = app.preferences.color_bar.entries_separator,
    onclick = function()
        app.preferences.color_bar.entries_separator =
dlg:button {
    id = "cancel",
    text = "&CANCEL",
    focus = false,
    onclick = function()
dlg:show { wait = false }

I don’t know if I understand you correctly. But place your mouse over your palette and hold CTRL and scroll up or down to resize.