Left click uses background color and right click uses foreground color

I don’t know what I did or how it happened, but when i try to draw like i usually do, however it uses the secondary colors instead of the colors i equipped, i can only use the color i picked with the eyedropper with right click. i only have this issue with the brush and need help since it’s really bugging me out. its difficult to continue. i searched it up before for solutions but all the things i tried didn’t work.

Please if anyone here can help me with this i would appreciate it.


I’d try the following, based on a search I did of similar topics:

  1. Head over to the Preferences menu, should be in the Edit Menu. (You can also use Crtl + K)
  2. Browse the ‘Editor’ tab, and check to see if the Right-Click option’s set to “Paint with Background”.
  3. If that doesn’t work, maybe look into whatever options you’ve got for your mouse, if you’re having other issues related to the left and right buttons. There’s a lot of software for a lot of mouses, so something like “mouse firmware options” in your favorite search engine should be a good start.
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I have the same issue, only with brush though, the other tools select the color as expected…

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I am also having this issue - I was going to ask the same question, but is there a way to flag this to garner more eyes on the subject? My mouse works just fine in all other programs and Aesprite tools.
However, Left clicking paints with the background and right click paint with the foreground. The reason why this is annoying is because when picking a new color, I will select color A with Left Click, but then will have to paint with right click. It leads to a lot of goofs trying to reconfigure my brain.
– I have tried to completely reset the preferences, but this has not fixed the issue. It wasn’t always like this and I have tried to switch from my Apple mouse, to a normal mouse with two buttons with no improvement on this specific issue.

Thank you!

Using Aseprite v1.3.10.1-x64

I’d start by looking at your brush dynamics settings in the context bar (above the canvas) when the pencil tool is active.

If gradient is checked for either pressure or velocity, uncheck them.

It wouldn’t hurt to mention what ink type you’re using, either. If it’s not simple, reset it to simple.


Ahh interesting - I was playing with that tab you have and it was only when I unchecked the (gradient/velocity) box it did fix it.

Thank you!