Lua Scripting Tutorial

Hi folks,

I recently discovered Aseprite scripting with Lua and I wanted to share a tutorial I wrote about it. The associated Github repo, a work-in-progress, is here. Here are two screen captures:

An arc drawing dialog.

A conic gradient dialog.

Thanks for your time. Hope you find these fun and interesting!



I believe this is the ONLY aseprite scripting tutorial in existence.
Please update it with more examples if you have time.


I didn’t know anyone else was making scripts! Just kidding, but really, having taught myself this stuff, you will have just helped the community grow a whole lot with this single post.

I foresee the popular link badge in your future. Also, welcome to the forums! What an excellent first contribution!

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Amazing! thank you very much for your tutorial! this helps me a lot ^^.

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