Minimal Dark HD: New HD icons and pointers, more screen space and clarity

Hi! I’ve updated the theme, doubling the resolution of the icons, remaking everything and making sure it works better on higher resolutions(I got a new monitor XD)

You can get if for free here:

Thanks ^^

Cool. Is this for the new beta or will previous stable be ok?

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I’m using it in the new beta, but previous stable should be ok ^^ Send me a message if there’s anything wonky and I’ll fix it ;D

O tema ta perfeito porem so tem um erro que e na janela de animaçao a funçao de cebola que pra ver os quadros anteriores na animaçao ficou encoberto por um quadrado branco porem nao atrapalha precisa so um pouquinho de paciência pra pode usar .mais de resto ta otimo

Oi Ednardo, obrigado pelo feedback! Você diz assim? image
Nesse caso é um bug do próprio Aseprite que já foi reportado, mas você pode redimensionar essa coluna com o mouse: image
Se não for isso, você pode me mandar uma imagem por favor?

A propósito, não querendo ser chato, mas a língua oficial do fórum é o inglês, então acho que seria legal traduzir as mensagens antes de enviar por aqui, mesmo que seja pelo google tradutor. :wink:


Translation TLDR: Just asking about a bug in the theme and telling Ednardo that the forum’s language is english so he could please translate to other users.

ha ok was bad and that in my. celular ta how to automatically translate. on the subject i’m not saying that it’s bad and it’s very beautiful just had that detail. I tried to redimension but it did not work, but I’ll try again. sorry for the inconvenience and congratulations for the work was very good

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Yes it worked was not a bug. I was trying to rearrange the wrong way. forgive me

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thank you so much ^^ glad you could sort it out, if have any other feedback just let me know!

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