First you Draw, and Draw again in Grafikpaper:
Share also the Sprites for the Grafik Paper Images, so it’s pre-Pixelart, right?
Some say, maybe myself say, this is too large, but if you have done this;
It has great Sucess! (Or not? "We will see…)
Its also the same way, as Capcom or Snk do this!
Good job Beat_em_up_Master, I can appreciate the work you put into this! Because you mention that you are following the same way that Capcom or Snk developed art, I think that you should use them as a reference. I can tell that some poses don’t feel suitable with certain body parts or limbs being shaped weirdly (Neck, Jaw, Legs, Arms, and are some of the quirkier parts).
I may get too deep into this, if it goes over your head or gets you demotivated then I apologize but if you are wanting to see some improvement then here are some examples and more information that would be useful:
For example, image 2 has the character’s left arm line blend into the chest making it hard to tell whether or not it is behind the chest, and the legs aren’t quite following the natural flow of the torso.
In the last image, the hamstring(highest section of the leg) is wider on the leg in front but is way too thin on the one in the back, and the crotch area is a v shape when it needs to be a _/ shape because it is facing forward,
For faces(arguably one of the most important parts of fighting game characters) I notice that the eyes are not fitting in, you may want to pick another style of eyes(something from Street Fighter maybe?) and analyze how they look.
I also notice that the section of hair that should be in front of the ear(earlocks or sideburns) is entirely missing.
I recommend studying some of the artists’ work to grasp the proper use of their structure for posing and anatomy.
The outfits you made look well done and I can tell the effort being put into certain areas for muscle definition.
For a small comparison(you can probably do this process yourself too), here is Ryu from street fighter and you can see where he is looking(to the right with a quarter turn towards the camera) his eyebrows follow the shape of his eyes whereas this character seems to have his left eyebrow floating higher than the right when that isn’t affecting the eye shape. You can also see for Ryu how the feet have a defined silhouette that gives a cone-type shape from the front view and a wedge into a cone shape for the side view, with your character’s feet looking like an uncomfortable mix.
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Hello Phantom and thank you very much you share your thoughts!
I have already one Character Shiluette (the same Charakter, that you mention, which I share on time)
The Çharakter Design work on this.
But when it seen not right, you can change.
I do not 100% Follow the Art of Grafik PAPER.
I also keep the Pixel Art Rules or when it saw the right change at decision!
So, I try to keep it up.
The Eyes are a Problem, but I have seen Greate Pixel Eyes, but not everything from Capcom Snk is my Inspiration!
So, this is the First Shiluette I did and go on every Charakter!
I go next step when I have to do this on every Charakter!
I have also tested
the Color from the Past, so it was something like a Beta Test!
Hello, long time no there, but I Work again with Asesprite and have a little Update!
See again the KOF XII Sprites…
In the past, I do set the Colors wrong.
I have more like the Color in one Place as its like the Art from Paper was!
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