Option to show symmetry center in my canvas position

Hi all,

During my work I use a lot for symmetry tool. and I notice it will be nice if I can do symmetry in my zoom in area, instead doing zoom out then select it and moved every time.
" canvas symmetry to center" maybe there is better name for it :smile:

not sure if this feature already mention but hope you found it useful.

Bumping this, it would be a nice feature

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Hi there! I’ll take note about this, basically two options:

  • Reset Symmetry to Sprite Center (current)
  • Reset Symmetry to View Center (new option)
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this will save ma alot of click when working with big canvas :heart:

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if i remember correcly the symetry center is based on the camera zoom, so if zoom out then hit symetry center, it should work.