Paint with transparent color

Hello, in an aseprite indexed palette it doesn’t paint anything if I use the index number 0, it is understood that it is because it is the transparent color but I want that color to be painted as well, even if it is the transparent color.
How can I enable this?

Hola, en una paleta indexada aseprite no pinta nada si uso el índice número 0, se entiende que es porque es el color transparente pero yo quiero que ese color también se pinte, aunque sea el color transparente.
¿Como puedo habilitar esto?

thats because in indexed if you have tranparency in your canvas it will put in index 0, you need to start a canvas with a color, or you can make a mask swatch and put in place of the index 0 then press remap and everything will be fine.

“you need to start a canvas with a color”

Aseprite only allows me to start a canvas with white or black color, I want to use my transparent color to be able to paint the background, my transparent color is not white and it is not black either.

“or you can make a mask swatch and put in place of the index 0 then press remap and everything will be fine”

I have no idea how I should do that.
Any video where I can see it?

It’s a pain having to be translating everything through google translator, copying and pasting text fragments etc… a pain.

start as a black or white color, just by starting indexed it will transform to the closest thing to white you have on your default palette.

Hi @SynthED, this is a current limitation of the indexed mode, the only way to make the transparent index visible is using a background layer (or using rgb mode). In a future, when mask layers are available, this will be possible (a transparent layer might use a mask layer to identify transparent pixels, instead of the index of each pixel).