Please help i deleted aseprite by accident

While moving files on my computer i moved aseprite to an SD card and now i cant access it. Is there anything I can do to get aseprite back? I have files and the old no longer working shortcut on my homescreen for proof.

Contact me at and I’ll be able to send you back the link to reinstall Aseprite.

Thanks for all the help! I managed to find the right email address and got the key resent.

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A similar thing happened to me. My hard drive went out and I had to replace all of my files I had already purchased Aseprite. Do I have to rebuy it?

You should be able to go back to where you bought it (e.g. Humble Bundle, if you used the widget on the website) and it should be in your account there, available to redownload. If you didn’t register an account (IIRC this is possible if you use Humble Bundle), you should be able to use the access link you got in your email when you bought it. You shouldn’t have to re-buy Aseprite unless you’ve lost access to the account/service you used to buy it.

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