PNG to ASE saving

A rather simple idea, not really that essential, but maybe if you create another layer on already saved png file it could automatically suggest saving as ase format? Similiar to photoshop. I got the idea by accidently closing edited png and making my life miserable with with few merged layers on rather complicated pictures.


Hi @Frax, it’s not a bad idea. Something to think a little about the UI (maybe a way to select two options like Keep layers, save in .aseprite | Flatten layers, save as .png

Anyway (I think) you should have access to your original sprite with layers from the “Recover Files” option in the “Home” tab.


Thanks for the reply, yeah these options seem reasonable :smile:.

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Was you able to recover the original file from “Recover Files”?

I never did that actually, didn’t happen to me recently, just something that I remembered.

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