Poligons editor in aseprite? another world editor

Hello, could a poligons editor like the one used by the game another world be implemented?
Then we export the animations and use them in our engine.

Hola ¿se podria implementar un editor de polígonos como el que usaba el juego another world?.
Luego exportamos las animaciones y las usamos en nuestro engine.



That’s a nice idea! I think that would be really cool! :smiley:

Maybe Aseprite could have in the future some kind of “vector layer”, using (for example) .svg specifications as a base to make .ase files able to store and import-export vector data?

Aseprite already can export in .svg format, so maybe this idea is not as crazy as one could think! :smiley:

P.S: @SynthED could you add this post to “Features” category please?

From the very beginning I always wanted to add vector layers just to create animations like Another World or Flashback (never put it on the roadmap because I’m not sure if this is out of scope).

But it might be a reality someday in the future:


I hope that future is not very distant.

In Godot for example, in 2D there are functions to build polygons, I have not used them but I suppose you could read the aseprite files that contain the animations and build the figures and each animation box with those functions of Godot.

Ojalá ese futuro no sea muy lejano.

En Godot por ejemplo, en 2D hay funciones para construir polígonos, no las he usado pero supongo que se podrían leer los archivos de aseprite que contienen las animaciones y construir las figuras y cada cuadro de animacion con esas funciones de Godot.

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Just like to say you can create “low poly” art in Blender , it is a free program and if all you wanted to do was learn how to make low poly stuff it wouldn’t be that difficult to learn