Enable grid of thirds and PHI/golden ratio grid, natively in the program. Possibly the whole golden ratio box set/spiral relative to doc width or height.
Pretty classic stuff but super useful I think?
Enable grid of thirds and PHI/golden ratio grid, natively in the program. Possibly the whole golden ratio box set/spiral relative to doc width or height.
Pretty classic stuff but super useful I think?
I absolutely agree that this should be a feature. Would be such a great quality of life feature for composition and design. Hopefully we can bump this to get some more thoughts on it.
grids arent relly suppose to work like this, like how would shift moving evne work?, i think a guide feature would be a better alternative, and them we can havepredefined guides
Oh, fair enough. If I may ask, what is the difference between a guide and a grid? I don’t believe I’m familiar with the distinction between both within Aseprite.
As a frame of reference, I looked at how Photoshop handles Rule of Thirds/Golden Ratio Grid, and they essentially just allow for more customization when creating grid rules. (Allowing users to change the measurement. See image below.) I was able to recreate a rule of 3rds grid using the “Grid” settings by creating a grid line every “100%” within the program. You can effectively use the same technique to emulate this in Aseprite as well, although its accuracy depends on the size of the canvas (considering the smaller resolution… Sometimes you can get it pretty close, but not spot-on.)
Perhaps a guide, like you suggested, would work for the feature. Purely so users can have an accurate frame of reference overlaid on top.
well grid is, a grid, same size profile repeting infinetly, a guide can be more flexible, what op has there is a guide,distinct lines that can be arranged to disect the canvas, but if you extended the canvas horizontaly for example it would snap to center and have bigger sections but it doesnt repet it just extends in a sense.