Hello! First time posting here and the first script I’ve made for Aseprite!

I made a couple scripts for making glazed terracotta textures for Minecraft, which has both 45 degree symmetry and rotates the lower left quadrant to the other 4 quadrants.
There hasn’t been really a feature I’ve seen of this anywhere, though people have been asking for it, so here it is!
It’s been very satisfying to draw with and making cool patterns!
Hope you enjoy!
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I tried downloading this to use the 45 degree mirror, but every time I tried to undo the mirror, I had to dismiss an error message from the console. I was also seemingly unable to deactivate the mirror effect without closing Aseprite.
I would really like to use something like this since I make a lot of diagonal pixel art, but these issues make it extremely hard to work with. Tbh it’s a shame this feature can’t come with aseprite without scripts.
Hello! What is the error message that pops up whenever undoing? And what version of Aseprite are you using?
Also yeah I should probably make a little “End Script” button window, as of now the only way to stop an aseprite script that runs behind the scenes is to close the file you’re currently editing.
Hey! It’s v1.3.2, and the error message looks like this:
Ah, yeah this seems to be fixed since v1.3.4 with their fixes to transactions. Are you able/willing to update to the latest version?
Updating Aseprite is usually a rocky experience for me so I rarely do it. But when I may want to use this script again, I’ll update and see if the error persists.