Show color information! :)

It would be nice if when hovering the color selector window/spectrum and opacity bars that the color information is shown on the bottom left of the border where rgb info is shown when using the color picker (as well as pixel coordinates, file info, etc. when using other tools). I feel like this used to be a feature as I remember seeing a colors lightness when selecting greys as well as the pointer’s place along the spectrum bar, but it’s at least been gone for a half dozen updates. Detailed information would be all the better (rgb, hsb/hsl, opacity/alpha, etc.) This would be so helpful and appreciated.

I know it’s probably fully not what you want but if you click the primoray or secondary color in the bottom left and drag the upper part of the box a little up it stays visable even after slecting a color. I like turning the secondary color to 0 alpha and using the right click as an eraser

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That’s super handy and useful! I had no idea it updated with the eye dropper, Thanks a ton! not quite the same, but better in some ways…