I’m working on an extension for Aseprite wherein I’d like to copy a generated string to the clipboard, but I’m unable to use the standard Lua io functions.
io.popen('pbcopy','w'):write(text):close() -- this is not supported, probably for good reason
Is there any alternative within the Aseprite API for copying text to the clipboard?
I just realized console text can be copied. This is good enough for what I’m making.
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io.popen(‘clip’,‘w’):write(“poop”):close() works (on windows)
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thanks for the tips! I wish the API let me access the clipboard. here’s my duct-taped-together solution. it attempts to be cross-platform, but I don’t know a simple way to detect the user’s platform, so they’ll have to edit the “autocopy” variable after installing the script, which is unfortunate. anyway:
-- change this variable! valid options are:
-- "windows" -- if your machine is a windows desktop
-- "osx" -- if your machine is an apple mac desktop
-- "linux" -- if your machine is a linux desktop (uses `xsel --clipboard`)
-- "manual" -- anything else; you must manually press ctrl-c to copy the output
local autocopy = "linux"
-- copy string to host clipboard
-- https://community.aseprite.org/t/solved-copy-string-within-aseprite-extension/16344
local function copy_to_clipboard(str)
-- returns whether the copy command succeeded
-- (this function may fail; use pcall)
local function os_copy(os_name,text)
if os_name=="windows" then
return io.popen('clip','w'):write(text):close()
elseif os_name=="osx" then
return io.popen('pbcopy','w'):write(text):close()
elseif os_name=="linux" then
return io.popen('xsel --clipboard','w'):write(text):close()
return nil --failed
local pcall_ok,os_copy_ok = pcall(os_copy,autocopy,str)
if not (pcall_ok and os_copy_ok) then
-- autocopy=="manual", or some failure
-- fallback to print() (can be manually copied with ctrl-c)
--copy_to_clipboard("hello world")
(and here it is in-context for an export script I wrote)