When making my sprites on Aseprite, the colors look as I want them to, but when I export them to my phone, they seem very desaturated and washed out? Is this normal?
If your sprites look like these below, it’s a color management issue. Within Aseprite, you can change the sprite’s color profile under Sprite > Properties. General color management is under Edit > Preferences > Color.
If you think setting the sprite color profile to an icc would help, the DisplayP3 icc can be downloaded from https://www.color.org/chardata/rgb/DisplayP3.xalter . A Lua script is needed to set a sprite’s color profile to an icc: AsepriteAddons/dialogs/color/setColorProfile.lua at main · behreajj/AsepriteAddons · GitHub .
Aseprite’s color management has some pretty serious problems, though, so you may just want to fix the problem with other software, like Krita.
Notice that two colors can look roughly the same, but have a different hex code, or look different but have the same hex code, depending on their profiles.
For example, red is #ea3323 in the above.