The tile editor will have this feature?

Hi, can you do the following with the aseprite tile editor?
I import a graphic and the tile editor of aseprite detects each tile and extracts the tiles that make up the map.
The editor can detect rotated or mirrored tiles.

In short, the editor extracts the tiles from which the map is made, that is, it extracts / detects the tileset from the tilemap.

Hola, ¿se podrá hacer lo siguiente con el editor de tiles de aseprite?.
Importo un tilemap y el editor de tiles de aseprite me detecta cada tile y extrae los tiles que forman el mapa.
El editor puede detectar los tiles rotados o espejados, de modo que esos rotados o espejados cuentan como un solo tile.
Yo le indico que los tiles son de 8x8 o 16x16 o lo que sea.

En definitiva, el editor me extrae los tiles de los que está hecho el mapa, es decir, me extrae/detecta el tileset del tilemap importado.

También lo dejo como sugerencia en el caso de que esta función no se haya pensado incluir.

If you need to get this done with a known atlas packer format like something similar to LibGDX you can use the GitHub - crashinvaders/gdx-texture-packer-gui: A simple way to pack and manage texture atlases for libGDX game framework. to import an atlas and it’ll export each region into a separate file.

I appreciate your help but I do not understand what it has to do with this.

My question is whether the tile editor could extract a tileset from a tilemap.

Le agradezco su ayuda pero no entiendo qué tiene que ver con esto.

Mi cuestion es si el editor de tiles podra extraer un tileset de un tilemap.

Hi @SynthED, yes, the actual internal tilemap editor version we are developing already can automatically detect tiles (e.g. you just paste an image in a tilemap layer that represents a tilemap and it generates the tileset automatically). There are plans to detect flips/rotation automatically too (not sure if it will be available in the first version, but it is highly probable to appear in the first version.)

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Thanks, do not forget that you should also detect mirrors in X and Y.

Gracias, no olvides que también debería detectar espejados en X e Y.

That’s what “flips” means. Flipping = mirroring.

Just in case, for more information about the tilemap editor feature you can check the issue #977 on GitHub (where rotation/flip/mirroring is considered along other extra features):

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Ok thanks is due to the translation.
Thank you for all the information.