Unable to / don't know how to delete a file from the list of recent files

i recently accidentally imported a sprite file from another editor, and i dont know how to delete it or get it off my aseprite home page. please help

This question was answered via email but I’ll left a copy here just in case some other user find it useful in the future.

You have three options:

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences > General > Locate Configuration File, close Aseprite, and open the aseprite.ini file focused in your file explorer, there is a list of recent files in the [RecentFiles] section

  2. Other option is to move your file temporarily, try to open it from Aseprite and then Aseprite will remove it automatically from your recent file list.

  3. You can delete the whole list of recent files from Edit > Preferences > Files > Clear button:


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