Unable to open Aseprite files (both .aseprite and .png) created in Windows on Linux Mint

I’m hitting this an issue on Linux Mint. I have some files that I am using in Godot 4 on Windows that are definitely PNG files, but fail to load into Aseprite (and Godot) on Linux Mint. These PNG files were originally exported from Aseprite.

Interestingly, Aseprite also refuses to load the .aseprite files for those resources on Linux Mint.

OS Info:

Operating System: Linux Mint 21.2                 
Kernel: Linux 5.15.0-91-generic
Architecture: x86-64

Aseprite Info
Aseprite v1.3.2-x64

Error when opening PNG file:

libpng: Not a PNG file
Error reading PNG file
Error loading frame 1 from file "/home/jsmrcina/git/TG-Survive/gfx/wave.png"

Note that this file does start with the PNG header when opened via a text editor

Error when opening Aseprite file created in Windows on Linux Mint:

Error reading header
Error loading sprite from the file "/home/jsmrcina/git/TG-Survive/gfx/wave.aseprite"

I am able to open the exact same .aseprite file and the .png file on Windows 11. Any ideas? Happy to share out the files as needed.

Hi @jsmrcina, would you mind to share with us the files? you can share them privately at support@aseprite.org

Does the same files open correctly on Aseprite running on Windows but not on Linux?

Hi @dacap ,

I did a bit more digging and this was completely my fault. I had checked whether the files looked valid on the Windows side after hitting this error and didn’t even consider checking them on the Linux side with a text editor.

It turns out they were pointing at the git LFS pointer files instead of the real underlying file. Invoking git lfs pull fixed everything. Apologies for the randomization and thank you for your quick response.

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