Would it be possible to make a sort of blob tileset previewer?

Like, I want to make the blob tileset. Blob Tileset

But there’s not a good way to do this in aseprite without a lot of copy and pasting. Is there a way to like automatically place tiles in patterns so you can draw more tiles using those as reference? Sort of like tiling, but with different tiles. Can I make a plugin that does this somehow (I am not good at coding).

Okay I did it

-- Generates a 47 tile blob tileset from the following five images in a row:
-- * All 8 neighbors
-- * Only neighors on left center and right center
-- * Only neighbors on top center and bottom center
-- * Only neighbors on all centers
-- * No neighbors

local function getSubtile(s, x, y, w, h)
    local subtile = Image(w / 2, h / 2, s.spec.colorMode)
    local source_image = Image(s)
    for i=x*w/2, (x+1)*w/2 do
        for j=y*h/2, (y+1)*h/2 do
            subtile:drawPixel(i - x*w/2, j - y*h/2, source_image:getPixel(i, j))
    return subtile

local spr = app.sprite
if not spr then return app.alert('No active sprite!') end

local tile_width = spr.width / 5
local tile_height = spr.height

local subtiles = {}
subtiles['top_left_full'] = getSubtile(spr, 0, 0, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['top_right_full'] = getSubtile(spr, 1, 0, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['bottom_left_full'] = getSubtile(spr, 0, 1, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['bottom_right_full'] = getSubtile(spr, 1, 1, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['top_left_horizontal'] = getSubtile(spr, 2, 0, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['top_right_horizontal'] = getSubtile(spr, 3, 0, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['bottom_left_horizontal'] = getSubtile(spr, 2, 1, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['bottom_right_horizontal'] = getSubtile(spr, 3, 1, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['top_left_vertical'] = getSubtile(spr, 4, 0, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['top_right_vertical'] = getSubtile(spr, 5, 0, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['bottom_left_vertical'] = getSubtile(spr, 4, 1, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['bottom_right_vertical'] = getSubtile(spr, 5, 1, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['top_left_inner'] = getSubtile(spr, 6, 0, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['top_right_inner'] = getSubtile(spr, 7, 0, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['bottom_left_inner'] = getSubtile(spr, 6, 1, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['bottom_right_inner'] = getSubtile(spr, 7, 1, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['top_left_corner'] = getSubtile(spr, 8, 0, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['top_right_corner'] = getSubtile(spr, 9, 0, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['bottom_left_corner'] = getSubtile(spr, 8, 1, tile_width, tile_height)
subtiles['bottom_right_corner'] = getSubtile(spr, 9, 1, tile_width, tile_height)

local result_spec = ImageSpec(spr.spec)
result_spec.width = tile_width * 12
result_spec.height = tile_height * 4
local result = Image(result_spec)

local layout = {

local sections = {"top_left_", "top_right_", "bottom_left_", "bottom_right_"}

for y,row in pairs(layout) do
    for x,tile in pairs(row) do
        for i=1,4 do
            local p = Point(x * tile_width + (i-1) % 2 * tile_width / 2, y * tile_height + (i-1) // 2 * tile_height / 2)
            if tile:sub(i, i) == "f" then
                result:drawImage(subtiles[sections[i] .. "full"], p)
            elseif tile:sub(i, i) == "h" then
                result:drawImage(subtiles[sections[i] .. "horizontal"], p)
            elseif tile:sub(i, i) == "v" then
                result:drawImage(subtiles[sections[i] .. "vertical"], p)
            elseif tile:sub(i, i) == "i" then
                result:drawImage(subtiles[sections[i] .. "inner"], p)
            elseif tile:sub(i, i) == "c" then
                result:drawImage(subtiles[sections[i] .. "corner"], p)

local new_sprite = Sprite(result_spec)
new_sprite.cels[1].image = result
new_sprite.filename = "blob"
